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    Breast Augmentation in Riyadh

    key Information on Breast Augmentation

    Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure designed to enhance breast size, shape, or fullness.


    Why Breast Augmentation is Done:

     Breast Augmentation in Riyadh is typically performed to achieve the following:

    1. Enlarge naturally small breasts.

    2. Restore breast size and shape after pregnancy, weight loss, or breastfeeding.

    3. Correct breast asymmetry when one breast is different in size or shape from the other.

    4. Reconstruct the breast or breasts after surgery.


    It's important to note that plastic surgery encompasses both reconstructive and cosmetic procedures.


    Understanding Breast Implants: 

    Breast implants are medical prostheses placed inside the breast to enhance, reconstruct, or shape the physical appearance of the breast.


    There are three main types of breast implants:


    Saline Implants: These implants are filled with a sterile saline solution, resembling saltwater, held within an elastomer silicone shell. Saline implants can be filled with varying amounts of saline, affecting the feel, firmness, and shape of the breast. If a saline implant leaks, the body naturally absorbs and expels the solution.


    Silicone Gel-Filled Implants: These implants consist of a silicone outer shell filled with silicone gel. If a silicone-filled implant leaks, the gel may stay within the shell or escape into the breast implant pocket, with or without collapsing. Regular checks and imaging with an MRI or ultrasound are necessary for those with silicone implants.


    Alternative Composite Implants: These implants may be filled with materials like polypropylene string, soy oil, or other substances.


    What to Expect:

    Before undergoing breast augmentation, patients should carefully consider the procedure. The surgeon will assist the patient in selecting the appropriate implant size, often by trying different-sized implants within a bra to assess how they feel.

    Surgery typically involves general anesthesia to ensure the patient is asleep during the procedure, though local anesthesia may also be an option.


    Assessing the Results: 

    Following surgery, there will be some swelling that should subside within a couple of weeks, and the incision lines will gradually fade. After this, the patient can evaluate whether the procedure met their expectations.



    As the effects of anesthesia wear off, the patient will receive painkillers to manage discomfort. Patients who've had general anesthesia should arrange for transportation home, as they won't be able to drive.


    Absorbable sutures typically dissolve within six weeks. If non-dissolving sutures or drainage tubes were used, a follow-up appointment may be necessary to remove them.


    The medical team should provide guidance on post-operative care, medication usage, follow-up visits, and when to contact the doctor. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if they experience signs of infection, chest pain, irregular heartbeats, shortness of breath, or any other concerning symptoms.


    Strenuous physical activities should be avoided for about six weeks, and the doctor may recommend post-operative exercises to alleviate pain and discomfort, along with specific bra preferences.